Mental Health Care
Working across race, ethnicity, and culture.
Research documents that many members of minority groups fear, or feel ill at ease with, the mental health system.
- Surgeon General's Report
US Dept. Health & Human Services, 1999
Improving Mental Health for Diverse Populations
Dr. Williams has spearheaded important research in the areas of ethnic minority mental health and barriers to treatment. She received an American Psychological Foundation Visionary Grant entitled Reducing Microaggressions and Promoting Racial Harmony, completed with colleagues at the University of Washington and Bastyr University. This work generated the Racial Harmony Workshop for reducing racism and building ethnic identity. It is the only diversity training that has been shown to reduce racial microaggressions in a randomized controlled trial.
Clinical Consultation for Cultural Diversity
A strong therapeutic relationship is essential for conducting good psychotherapy. The effectiveness of therapy hinges on the therapist’s ability to connect with the client and understand their perspective and worldview. Although the majority of clinicians understand the importance of delivering culturally-informed services, few receive adequate training to enable them to do so.
Enhancing cultural competence is an ongoing process for all clinicians. And because it is essential to successful clinical practice, cultural consultation benefits clients and clinicians alike. Yet, many clinicians may have limited resources for consultation, and others may feel vulnerable in seeking cultural consultation. Dr. Williams is available for sensitive peer consultations with any clinician with questions about the assessment or treatment of clients from different ethnic or racial groups. She also provides workshops and trainings on these issues.

Microaggressions in Therapy
Cultural Issues in Therapy Training Video: This is an example of how not to do therapy. How many microaggressions can you identify?
This video is a resource that provides an opportunity for clinicians to discuss the role of culture(s) and cultural identities in work with specific clients in an environment that is friendly, welcoming, and dedicated to ongoing growth as a clinician.
Selected Workshops and Trainings for Clinicians
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. (2022, February 28). How to Treat Racial Trauma: 2-Tiered Event. [Virtual]. OSI Clinic, Royal Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2021, May 20-21). Creating an Inclusive Academic Environment for People of Color. Minority Health Disparities Initiative Workshop. University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, NE.
Williams, M. T. & Skinta, M. (2020, October 9). Microaggressions in Clinical Settings: Learning to Engage Diverse Clients and Improve Treatment Outcomes. Leading Edge Seminars (3 CEs).
Williams, M. T. (2020, August 27). The Trauma of Racism: Assessment and Treatment Techniques for Trauma Rooted in Racism. PESI.
Ot'alora G, M., & Williams, M. T. (2019, August 10-17). MDMA Conference for Therapists and Communities of Color: Psychedelic Medicine & Cultural Trauma and MAPS Part B MDMA Therapist Training, Louisville, KY.
Williams, M. T., & Faber, S. C. (2019, July). Culturally-informed clinical research: Assessment, recruitment, interventions & ethics. Skills class, World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Berlin, Germany.
Wetterneck, C. T. & Williams, M. T. (May, 2019 – July, 2019). Functional Analytic Psychotherapy – Diversity Emphasis (Level II) Online Workshop. An 8-week experiential workshop on behavioral techniques to improve interpersonal skills and intimacy for therapists with an emphasis on racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity. (16 CEs)
Skinta, M. & Williams, M. T. (January, 2019 – March, 2019). Functional Analytic Psychotherapy – Diversity Emphasis (Level I) Online Workshop. An 8-week experiential workshop introducing behavioral techniques to improve interpersonal skills and intimacy for therapists with an emphasis on diversity. (16 CEs)
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. T. (2018, December 13). Addressing Racial and Cultural Differences in Therapeutic Settings. Workshop, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, NYU School of Social Work, New York City, NY. (3.5 CEs)
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. T. (2018, December 11). Addressing Racial and Cultural Differences in Therapeutic Settings. Workshop, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, NYU School of Social Work, Albany, NY. (3.5 CEs)
Wetterneck, C. T., Williams, M. T., & Carlson, M. (2018, November 7). Assessing and Treating Racial Trauma. Day-long workshop for International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Washington, DC. (7 CEs)
Williams, M. T. (2018, May 18). Microaggressions as Barriers to Care. Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. (1 CEU)

Real Talk About Racism
Anti-Racism International: USA, Canada, and Europe
Dr. Williams organizes a regular MeetUp group called Anti-Racism International. Everyone is welcome who would like to have a respectful and open online conversation about issues related to racism in the Western world. We ask for honest soul searching and a willingness to learn and grow.
Becoming anti-racist in the 21st century can be complicated and confusing. This group is intended to provide a space for deep conversations about race, racism, White supremacy, mental health, people of color, racial trauma, history, and human connection. Popular topics include being an anti-racist therapist, answers to your questions about racial justice, and raising BIPOC kids. We have a special meeting time just for therapists and another for the general public. Meetings are kept small to facilitate deep discussion so be sure to RSVP.