University Teaching
Dr. Monnica Williams teaches a number of academic courses and workshops. Areas include psychopathology, cultural diversity, and cognitive-behavioral therapies.
University Courses
2022-2023 — Multicultural Clinical Psychology, University of Ottawa (G)
2022-2024 — Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies and Mental Health, University of Ottawa (G)
2020-2021 — Clinical Practicum Supervision, University of Ottawa (G)
Summer 2020 — Survey of Psychedelic Studies, University of Ottawa (U, G)
Winter 2020 — Cross Cultural Psychology, University of Ottawa (U)
2016-2019 — Ethnic Minority Psychology, University of Connecticut (G)
Spring 2017 — Abnormal Psychology, University of Connecticut (U)
Summer 2016 — Psychology of Race and Racism in America, University of Louisville (U)
Spring 2016 — Treatment of Trauma in Diverse Populations, University of Louisville (G)
Fall 2015 — Culture and Diversity in Psychology, University of Louisville (G)
Summer 2015 — Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, University of Louisville (G)
2014-2015 — Clinical Practicum Team, University of Louisville (G)
2013-2016 — Clinical Psychopathology, University of Louisville (G)
Spring 2014 — Honors Abnormal Psychology, University of Louisville (U)
Spring 2013 — Assessment and Treatment of Black Americans, University of Louisville (G)
2012-2013 — Multicultural Psychology, University of Louisville (U)
Fall 2011 — African American Psychology, University of Louisville (U)
Fall 2010 — Abnormal Psychology, University of Pennsylvania (U)
2004-2006 — Abnormal Psychology, University of Virginia (U)
Spring 2006 — Psychological Processes and Human Behavior, University of Virginia (U)
2005- 2006 — University Psychological Internship Course, University of Virginia (U)

Special Issue
Power, Discrimination and Privilege in Individuals and Institutions
This research topic explores forms of covert or unexamined institutional power structures, systems, and their psychological effects and consequences.
Guest Editors
Sonya Faber
Monnica Williams
Matthew Skinta
Bia Labate
Continuing Education Online
Take these pre-recorded trainings by Dr. Monnica Williams from home
Culturally-Informed Research Design. The Multicultural Counseling Institute. (1.5 CEs)
A 12-Session Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Protocol for Racial Trauma. PESI. (6 CEs)
Microaggressions in Clinical Settings: Engaging Diverse Clients to Improve Treatment Outcomes. Leading Edge Seminars (3 CEs).
The Trauma of Racism: Assessment and Treatment Techniques for Trauma Rooted in Racism. PESI. (3 CEs)
Culturally-Informed Outreach & Clinical Research: Assessment, Recruitment, Interventions & Ethics. TZK Seminars. (3 CEs)
Depressive Disorders in African Americans. TZK Seminars. (3 CEs)
Understanding and Connecting with African American Clients. TZK Seminars. (6 CEs)
Understanding and Addressing Racial Microaggressions in Clinical Practice. TZK Seminars. (3 CEs)
Understanding Sexual Orientation Obsessions in OCD. The Practice Institute. (1 CE)
Psychedelic Online Training
Look for ongoing 8-week courses on Diversity, Culture, Access, and Social Justince in Psychedelics sponsored by the Chacruna Institue. Dr. Williams will join the first and last class, and she will give a special presentation as well. Check out the Chacruna website for more on the amazing line-up of speakers. Space is limited.

Selected Past Short Courses & Trainings
Williams, M. T., Yip., J., & Saxeena, S. (2023, May 19-21). Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTTI) for OCD for Therapists of Color. International OCD Foundation. Atlanta, GA. (21 CEs)
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. (2023, April 14). Racial Stress and Trauma in Clinical Care. Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center, Indianapolis, IN. (5 CEs)
Williams, M. T. & Flores, J. (2022, July 1-9). Reconnection Journey: A Plant Medicine Workshop and Retreat. Olon, Ecuador.
Williams, M. T. (2022, April 29 - May 1). Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTTI) for OCD for Therapists of Color. International OCD Foundation. Washington DC. (21 CEs)
Williams, M. T. & Bruce, S. (2020, September 30 - 2020, December 23). International OCD Training Program, BWC/CPA. (13 CEs)
Kohlenberg, B. & Williams, M. T. (2020, June 19 - August 14). Functional Analytic Psychotherapy – Diversity Emphasis (Level I) Online Workshop. An 8-week experiential workshop introducing behavioral techniques to improve interpersonal skills and intimacy for therapists with an emphasis on diversity. BWC/CPA. (16 CEs)
Williams, M. T. & DiLoreto, J. (2020, February 27 - May 21). International OCD Training Program, BWC/CPA. (13 CEs)
Ot'alora G, M., & Williams, M. T. (2019, August 10-17). MDMA Conference for Therapists and Communities of Color: Psychedelic Medicine & Cultural Trauma and MAPS Part B MDMA Therapist Training, Louisville, KY.
Williams, M. T., & Faber, S. C. (2019, July). Culturally-informed clinical research: Assessment, recruitment, interventions & ethics. World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Berlin, Germany.
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. T. (2019, June 19 & July 10). Minority Fellowship Program, Cultural Competency Overview Webinar. Part 1 & 2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Wetterneck, C. T. & Williams, M. T. (2019, May - July). Functional Analytic Psychotherapy – Diversity Emphasis (Level II) Online Workshop. An 8-week experiential workshop on behavioral techniques to improve interpersonal skills and intimacy for therapists with an emphasis on racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity. BWC/CPA. (16 CEs)
Williams, M. T. & DiLoreto, J. (2018, December 18 - 2019, March 26). International OCD Training Program, BWC.
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. T. (2018, December 11 & 13). Addressing Racial and Cultural Differences in Therapeutic Settings. Workshop, McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research, NYU School of Social Work, Albany & New York City, NY. (7 CEs)
Crawford, K. & Williams, M. T. (2018, June 27 & August 1). Minority Fellowship Program, Cultural Competency Overview Webinar. Part 1 & 2. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Kanter, J. K., Williams, M. T., & Rosen, D. (2017, September 15-17). Diversity & Anti-Racism Functional Analytic Intensive. 2.5-day Workshop, Bastyr University, Seattle, WA. (20 CEs)