Schedule for 2024
Invited Presentations and Workshops
Williams, M. T. (2024, February 2-4). Understanding the Impact of Racism on Professional Leaders of Color. SCP 2024 Mid-Winter Conference, Society of Consulting Psychology (Division 13 of APA), Austin, TX.
Abdulrehman, R., & Williams, M. T. (2024, February 2). When Leaders of Color Thwart DEI initiatives: Understanding Internalized Racism. SCP 2024 Mid-Winter Conference, Society of Consulting Psychology (Division 13 of APA), Austin, TX.
Williams, M. T. (2024, February 9-10). Panel Presentation. Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy: Contrasting Visions. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.
Williams, M. T. (2024, February 14). Psychedelics, PTSD, and Racial Trauma. University of Ottawa Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics, Ottawa, ON.
Terwilliger, P. R. & Williams, M. T. (2024, February 23). Discrimination and Bias in Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health. Mindful of Machines: AI and Law’s Role in Promoting Compassionate, Rights-Complying, Mental Healthcare. University of Ottawa Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics, Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2024, March 4). Finding Joy in a Racist World: Self-Care for Black Mental Health. Keynote Lecture for Black mental health: Embracing joy, past, present, & future. uOttawa Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health, Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2024, March 5). Professional Issues. [Virtual]. Doctoral Practicum Course. Department of Counseling Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Williams, M. T. (2024, March 7). How to be an Anti-Racist Psychologist. [Virtual]. Case Western Reserve University.
Williams, M. T. (2024, March 8). Assessment and Treatment Techniques for Racial Trauma. Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies, University of Nevada, Reno, NV.
Dyck, E., Williams, M. T., Jasper, O. & Bartlett, A. (2024, March 10). Cafe Scientifique on Psychedelics and Health Equity: An Interactive Public Dialogue with Leading Researchers in Canada. Sponsored by Hollyhock, MAPS Canada, and the National Collaborating Centre on Determinants of Health.
Williams, M. T. (2024, April 12). Psychedelics and Racial Justice. Therapeutic Use of Psychedelic Drugs: Legal, Policy and Neuroscientific Perspectives Symposium. American University, Center for Neuroscience and Behavior, Washington, DC.
Bautista, S., Williams, M. T., & Wetterneck, C. T. (2024, April 13). Unacceptable and Taboo Thoughts in OCD: Diagnosis, Pharmacotherapy, and Trouble-Shooting Barriers. ADAA, Boston, MA.
Luehrs, R., Van Kirk, N., Park, J., Wetterneck, C. T. & Williams, M. T. (2024, April 14). Ethical Considerations in Exposure Therapy Across Anxiety, OCD, and Trauma-Related Disorders. ADAA, Boston, MA.
Williams, M. T. (2024, April 17). Psychedelic Medicine & Racial Justice. Whose Medicine, Whose Healing: Culture and Race in the Psychedelics Movement. Keynote [virtual]. UCSF Cultual Psychiatry 2024 Annual Workshop. UC San Francisco, CA.
Williams, M. T. (2024, April 19). Assessment and Treatment of Racial Stress & Trauma. Workshop [virtual]. BHEAL Program, Department of Social Work, California State University of Fullerton, CA.
Chacruna's Racial Equity and Access Committee. (2024, April 27). Psychedelic Culture. Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines. San Francisco, CA.
Williams, M. T. (2024, May 1-2). Trauma & Racism. Keynote lecture. Canadian Consortium on Child and Youth Trauma, Montreal, QC.
Williams, M. T. (2024, May 30). Culturally-Informed Research Design. The Multicultural Counseling Institute. (1.5 CEs)
Williams, M. T. (2024, June 18). Assessment and Treatment Techniques for Racial Stress & Trauma. Presentation [virtual]. University of Kansas Medical Center.
Williams, M. T. (2024, June 21-23). Racial Trauma: New Hope for a Hidden Problem. Keynote presentation for Traumatic Stress Section. Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Annual Convention, Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2024, June 21-23). Understanding the Impact of Racism on Black Psychologists (and What to Do about It!). Keynote presentation for Black Psychology Section. Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Annual Convention, Ottawa, ON.
Beaulac, J., Williams, M. T., et al. (2024, June 21-23). Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy: Issues of Consideration for Practicing Psychologists. Panel Discussion. Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Annual Convention, Ottawa, ON.
Strauss, D., Williams, M. T., Faber, S., & Dasgupta, A. (2024, June 22). Systemic racism in Ontario university Psychology Departments. Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Annual National Convention, Ottawa, ON.
Bautista, S., Williams, M. T., & Wetterneck, C. T. (2024, July 18). Unacceptable and Taboo Thoughts in OCD: Comprehensive Evaluation, Pharmacotherapy, and Evidence-Based Psychotherapy. American Psychiatric Association.
Williams, M. T. (2024, August 8). Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies and Racial Justice. Keynote lecture. American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Williams, M. T. (2024, August 9). Deliberate Practice in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy. American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Williams, M. T. (2024, August 13). Culturally-Informed Clinical Research: Recruitment, Interventions & Ethics. Virtual presentation. VA Northern California Health Care System.
Williams, M. T. (2024, August 18). Psychedelics & Racial Justice. Hopkins-Oxford Psychedelic Ethics (HOPE) Summit. Washington DC.
Williams, M. T. (2024, September 13). Psychedelics & Racial Justice: Igniting an International Conversation. The Master Series at Oxford University, UK.
Williams, M. T. (2024, September 23-24). Racial Trauma: Navigating Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment. Virtual presentation. WellSpan.
Williams, M. T. (2024, October 9). Psychedelic Medicine: A New Frontier in Mental Health. What Therapists Need to Know. The Global Exchange Conference. Lake Buena Vista.
Williams, M. T. (2024, October 17). Understanding Trauma: How Racism Impacts Mental Health. Virtual presentation. Animas Centre for Coaching.
MacIntyre, M. M. & Williams, M. T. (2024, October 18). Healing Racial Trauma: A Novel Antiracist and Culturally Informed CBT Intervention. In Safer/Alternative Therapies: How to Better Serve Black People. Black Mental Health: Reclaiming the Path to Joy. 2nd National Conference, University of Ottawa, ON.
Osman, M., Faber, S. C., Kaplan, A. & Williams, M. T. (2024, October 18). Mental Health of Black Canadians: Understanding Access and Barriers to Mental Health Care in Canada Using a Nationally Representative Survey. In Obstacles to Mental Health and to a Pathway to Joy. Black Mental Health: Reclaiming the Path to Joy. 2nd National Conference, University of Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2024, October 25). Cultural competency in research and clinical practice: Evidence-based OCD treatment for all, not some. Keynote lecture. Flexibility Within Fidelity: Adapting Evidence-Based OCD Treatments to Client Factors. International OCD Foundation. Toronto, ON.
Massi, M., Wetterneck, C. W., & Williams, M. T. (2024, October 25). Case Presentation & Expert Panel Discussion: "But what if I am racist?" Exploring moral scrupulosity, personal values, and justice-based exposures in a teen. Flexibility Within Fidelity: Adapting Evidence-Based OCD Treatments to Client Factors. International OCD Foundation. Toronto, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2024, October 28). Racism and Mental Health: Our Communities Need Anti-Racist Care. Keynote Lecture. Hamilton Anti-Racism Resource Centre (HARRC). Annual General Meeting (AGM). McMaster University Downtown Campus, Hamilton, Ontario.
Dames, S., Penn, A., Williams, M., & Zamaria, J. (2024, November 12). Deliberate Practice in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy. APA Books Webinars.
Williams, M. (2024, December 6). Psychedelics and Racial Justice. Hopkins Psychedelic Bioethics Group. Virtual presentation.
Williams, M. T. (2024, December 19). Microaggressions and Mental Health: Navigating Everyday Racism. Virtual presentation. Animas Centre for Coaching.
Schedule for 2023
Invited Presentations and Workshops
Williams, M. T. (2023, February 10). Psychedelics and Racial Justice. Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy: Promise and Perils. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Williams, M. T. (2023, March 10). Cultural competency, racism, and mental health disparities. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.
Williams, M. T. (2022, March 20). Psychedelics and Racial Justice: Equity and Access. Diversity, Culture and Social Justice in Psychedelics Course, Chacruna Institute. (1.5 CE)
Williams, M. T. (2023, March 27). Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Psychologists tearing down barriers and building allies (Increasing Represenation & Racial Justice Allyship). Webinar for the College of Alberta Psychologists.
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. (2023, April 14). Racial Stress and Trauma in Clinical Care. Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center, Indianapolis, IN. (5 CEs)
Williams, M. T. (2023, April 18-19). Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy and Racial Justice. Psychedelics & Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy. Expanded States of Consciousness World Summit. [Virtual]
Williams, M. T. (2023, May 3). Racial Trauma: The Racism-PTSD Connection. Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
Williams, M. T. & Labate, B. (2023, May 4). Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in the Psychedelic Space: Progress or Roll-back? Chacruna Institute, San Francisco, CA.
Williams, M. T. & Yip., J. (2023, May 19-21). BTTI for Therapists of Color. International OCD Foundation. Atlanta, GA.
Williams, M. T. (2023, May 25). Racial Justice Allyship in Individuals and Organizations. [Online Presentation]. Black Psychology Section, Canadian Psychological Association (CPA).
Williams, M. T. (2023, June 10). Psychedelics and Racial Justice. Developing an Ethical Framework for Psychedelics Research and Use. The Banbury Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Lloyd Harbor, New York, NY.
Williams, M. T. (2023, July 7–9). OCD and Racism. Plenary Address. IOCDF 28th Annual OCD Conference, Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA.
Williams, M. T. & From-Tapp, R. (2023, July 13). Psychedelics and Racial Justice. Psychedelic Science Awareness (PSA) Speaker Series, The Whirling Tiger, Louisville, KY.
Williams, M. T. (2023, September 15). Assessment of Racial Trauma. Community Psychology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON. [Virtual]
Williams, M. T. (2023, September 22). Assessment and Treatment of Racial Trauma. Duke University, Durham, NC.
Williams, M. T. (2023, October 7). Racism Against Black Canadians in Mental Health Care Systems. Best Brains Exchange. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Health Canada.
Williams, M. T. (2023, October 8). Providing Antiracist Care in Schools: Interventions Adapted to Racial Issues. French Catholic School Board of Ontario's Center-East Region and the uOttawa Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health.
Williams, M. T. (2023, October 19). Racial Trauma and Radical Healing. Hartford Institute of Living, Hartford, CT.
Williams, M. T. (2023, October 26). Psychedelic Medicine & Racial Justice. University of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Williams, M. T. (2023, November 7-13). Interview with Dr. DaeEss 1Dreah. The All-New 2nd Annual Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Global Summit. [Virtual]
Multiple faculty. (2023, December 7). Inter-faculty Psychedelic Studies Workshop. University of Ottawa, ON.
Schedule for 2022
Invited Presentations and Workshops
Herbst, J. & Williams, M. T. (2022, January 10). Triage Protocols & Race. [Virtual]. Health Law, Policy & Ethics Centre. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2022, January 26). Microaggressions. Women Research Chair Holders Group. [Virtual]. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2022, January 28). Cultivating Civil Courage. Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico, NM.
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. (2022, February 11). Antiracist (Functional Analytic) Psychotherapy. [Virtual]. UNC Chapel Hill School of Social Work Clinical Lecture Institute. Chapel Hill, NC. (4 CEs)
Williams, M. T. (2022, February 28). Racial Trauma, Racial Justice, and Psychedelics. Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board, Portland, OR.
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. (2022, February 28). How to Treat Racial Trauma: 2-Tiered Event. [Virtual]. OSI Clinic, Royal Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2022, March 8). Culturally-Informed CBT Treatment Protocol for Racial Trauma. [Virtual]. University of Wisconsin - Madison, WI.
Williams, M. T. (2022, March 10). Early Psychosis and Racially-Informed Mental Health Care. [Virtual]. NIH/NIMH.
Gran-Ruaz, S. & Williams, M. T. (2022, March 17). The Racial Harmony Workshop and Applications to Physician Education. [Virtual]. University of Ottawa Medica School, Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2022, March 30). Understanding Racial Trauma and Clinician Complaints. [Virtual]. College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2022, April 9). Racial Trauma. [Virtual]. Louisiana Psychological Association Conference. (1.50 CEs)
Strauss, D. & Williams, M. T. (2022, April 14). The MKUltra Project and Research Abuses of incarcerated Black Men. [Virtual]. Stanford University, CA.
Williams, M. T. (2022, April 29 - May 1). Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTTI) for OCD for Therapists Serving Communities of Color. International OCD Foundation. Washington DC.
Williams, M. T. (2022, May 12). Race-Based Determinants of Mental Health and Racial Trauma. Clinical Health Psychology, Grand Rounds. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB.
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. (2022, May 18). Racial Trauma Treatment: A 12-Session CBT Protocol. PESI.
Schlosser, D., McCowan, J., Williams, M., Boger, J., & Albert, M. (2022, May 22). Psychedelics for Mental Health and Beyond. Panel presentation. Medical Psychedelics House of Davos. Davos, Switzerland.
King, S., Williams, M., Labate, B., & Yehuda, R. (2022, May 23). Racial Justice and Equity in Healthcare. Panel presentation. Medical Psychedelics House of Davos. Davos, Switzerland.
Williams, M. T. (2022, May 25). The Future of Inclusion in Psychedelics. Keynote lecture. Medical Psychedelics House of Davos. Davos, Switzerland.
Williams, M. T. (2022, May 27-29). Psychedelics and Racial Justice. Plenary Talk. Research 2 Reality (R2R) Global Summit on Psychedelic Assisted Therapies and Medicine, Toronto, ON.
Faber, I., Faber, S., & Williams, M. T. (2022, June 15). A call to use psychology for anti-racist jury selection. The British Psychological Society, Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, June 4 - 16, 2022, Voco St. John's, Solihull, UK.
Williams, M. T. (2022, June 20). Who gets to be a psychologist? And why can't I find one? Black Psychology Section. Canadian Psychological Association.
Williams, M. T. (2022, June 29-30). Microaggressions Summit. Bielefeld University, Germany.
Williams, M. T. & Flores, J. (2022, July 1-9). Reconnection Journey: A Plant Medicine Workshop and Retreat. Olon, Ecuador.
Williams, M. T. (2022, July 28). Psychedelics and Racial Justice. Psychotherapy Networker. PESI.
Faber, S. C. & Williams, M. T. (2022, August 10). Microaggressions in Research Spaces. IDEA Seminar Series. Max Planck Institute. Munich, Germany.
Williams, M. T. (2022, September 22-24). The Inclusion and Exploitation of People of Color in Psychedelic Research. ICPR, The Netherlands.
Williams, M. T. (2022, September 28). Civil Courage, Racial Justice, and the Mental Health Practitioner. [Virtual Presentation]. Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital, TBI/Polytrauma & Trauma Services Programs.
Williams, M. T. (2022, October 6). Racial Trauma: How Racism Can Cause PTSD. Janis Rotman Distinguished Lecture Series on Mental Wellness. School of Social Work. University of Toronto, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2022, October 20). Psychedelics and Equity Session. McGill Palliative Care Congress, Montreal, Quebec.
Williams, M. T. (2022, October 24). Psychedelics and Racial Justice: Equity and Access. Diversity, Culture and Social Justice in Psychedelics Course, Chacruna Institute. (1.5 CE)
Williams, M. T. (2022, October 27). Racism and Mental Health in Black Communities. Black Mental Health in Canada Conference, University of Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2022, November 2). What to Do (and Not to Do) When Clients Talk About Using Psychedelics. School of Psychology, Clinical Program, University of Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2022, November 10). Psychedelic Medicine: What Psychologists Need to Know. KPA Annual Convention, Louisville, KY.
Wu, E., Bartlett, A., & Williams, M. (discussant). (2022, November 12). Equitable Protections for Early-Career Psychologists in Kentucky. Kentucky Psychological Association & Foundation Annual Convention, Louisville, KY.
Gallo, J., Nepton A., Strauss, D. Farahani, H., Williams, M. T. (2022, November 19). Understanding experiences and challenges of BIPOC students at a large Canadian University. In E. Roach (Chair), Understanding and Addressing Race-Related Stress and Trauma in Youth of Color [Symposium]. 56th Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
Halliday, E., Ehrenreich-May, J., Hofmann, S. G., Williams, M. T., Harvey, A. G., Fisher, A. J., & Schleider, S. (2022, November 18). Modifying CBT to “Save” CBT: Incorporating context, culture, comorbidity, and companionable theories [Panel]. 56th Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
Bernard, D., Anderson, A., DeLapp, R., Jones, S., Metzger, I., Saleem, F. & Williams, M. T. (2022, November 19). Challenges and future directions of addressing racial trauma among Black Communities within research and clinical practice [Panel]. 56th Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
Reuman, L., Jessup, S., Olatunji, B. O., Park, A., Prinstein, M. J., Rizvi, S., Williams, M., & Wisco, B. (2022, November 18). Graduate school in psychology: Getting in and making it work [Panel]. 56th Annual Convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.
Vallely, A. & Williams, M. T. (2022, November 30). Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: Opportunities for Mental Health & Spiritual Care Professionals. The Counseling Group, Jewish Family Services, Ottawa, ON.
Schedule for 2021
Invited Presentations and Workshops
Williams, M. T. (2021, December 5). Marginalized Voices, Racial Trauma, and Psychedelic Therapies. [Virtual]. Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies and Research Certificate Program, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, CA.
Williams, M. T. (2021, December 5). Reducing Microaggressions: Research on Interventions and Promoting Interracial Harmony. [International symposium]. Understanding Microaggressions and Learning from North American Scholars: Implications for Theory, Research and Practice in Japanese Society. Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan.
Williams, M. T. (2021, November 29). Microaggressions in Academic Medicine. [Virtual]. Women Faculty Mentoring Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2021, November 29). Interpreters for Refugees Seeking Therapy. [Virtual]. Behavioral Wellness Clinic, CT.
Fante-Coleman,T., Makinde, S., Salih, K., Taylor ,T., Craigg, A. & Williams, M. T. (2021, November 25). Black Youth Mental Health and the Justice System. [Panel]. Pathways to Care (BHA) and the Black Legal Action Centre.
Williams, M. T. (2021, November 24). Addressing Racial Issues in Legal Settings. [Virtual]. Guest Lecture. Department of Law, University of Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2021, November 22). Anti-Racism in Mental Health. [Virtual]. Office of Diversity and Workforce Development. National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD.
Williams, M. T. (2021, November 20). Civil Courage for Racial Justice: A Behavioral Prescription for Change. Keynote presentation. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), New Orleans, LA.
Williams, M. T. (2021, November 12). Sexual Obsessions in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD Lecture Series. Sheppard Pratt. (1 CE) [Virtual]
Williams, M. T. (2021, November 6). Challenging Structural Racism in Psychedelic Research. [Online presentation]. Psychedelic Medicine for Psychiatrists. Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy, Boston, MA.
Williams, M. T. (2021, November 4). Psychedelics and Racial Justice: Equity and Access. UW–Madison Psychedelic Symposium. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
Williams, M. T., Ching, T., Labate, B. (2021, October 28). Ensuring Safety in Psychedelic Medicine for All. Research2Reality Summit Planning Committee.
Williams, M. (2021, October 21). Broadening access to psychedelic therapies. Psychedelics in Canada: Now and in the Future Conference. Canadian Network for Biomarker Integration in Depression (CAN-BIND). Online conference.
Williams, M. T. (2021, October 20). Forum: If your clients are not talking about racism, what are you doing wrong? University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, School of Social Work, Clinical Lecture Series. (1 CE)
Williams, M. T. (2021, October 12) Black women and psychedelics [Online presentation]. Graduate Lecture, Department of Counseling, Bowie State University. Bowie, MD.
Williams, M. T. (2021, October 9). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) [Online presentation]. Africans for Mental Health Conversation Series.
Holmes, E., Oestrich, I., Williams, M., & Lazarova, I. (2021, September 11). Women in CBT [Roundtable]. European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT) Annual Congress. Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Williams, M. T. (2021, September 10). Being an Anti-Racist Clinician. Keynote presentation. European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (EABCT) 2021 Congress . Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Naz, S., Williams, M., Beck, A., & Phiri, P. (2021, September 10). ‘The case of racism’: How can CBT therapists develop anti-racist practice through their formulations, interventions, supervision and training practices [Roundtable]. European Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy (EABCT) Annual Congress. Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Williams, M. T. (2021, August 30). Becoming an Anti-Racist Clinician. Laureate Psychiatric Clinic and Hospital. Saint Francis Health System, Tulsa, OK. [Virtual]
Williams, M. T. (2021, July 8). OCD Research in the Era of Black Lives Matter. International OCD Foundation’s Virtual Research Symposium. [Virtual]
Williams, M. T. (2021, July 7). Mental Health Disparities in Communities of Colour. Guest Lecture. Population Health Perspectives on Mental Health and Addictions, School of Public Health, University of Toronto, ON. [Virtual]
Williams, M. T. & Le Baron, D. (2021, June 19). Psychedelics for Racial Trauma. Doubleblind. Online presentation.
Williams, M. T. (2021, May 27). Microaggressions in Clinical Care. University of Ottawa Medical School, Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2021, May 21). Creating an Inclusive Academic Environment for People of Color. Minority Health Disparities Initiative Workshop. University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, NE.
Williams, M. T. (2021, May 20). Racial Microaggressions in Academic Spaces: Scope & Impact. Minority Health Disparities Initiative Lecture. University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, NE.
Williams, M. T. (2021, May 10). Racism in Academic Spaces: Impact and Solutions. Bard College, Berlin Campus, Germany.
Williams, M. T. (2021, May 5). PTSD and Racial Trauma. Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences. Keynote, McMaster University.
Williams, M. T. (2021, May 3). Racial Issues in Therapy. Department of Psychology. University of Southern California.
Williams, M. T. (2021, April 9). Addressing Mental Health Disparities in Marginalized Populations. Keynote presentation. Diversifying Scholarship Research Symposium, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
Williams, M. T. (2021, March 30). PTSD & Racial Trauma. Operational Stress Injury (OSI) Clinic, The Royal Ottawa. Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2021, March 26). Microaggressions: Research, Controversy, & Action. Clinical Lunch Speaker, Department of Psychology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
Bangou, F., Coen-Sanchez, K., Williams, M. T., Terretta, M., de B’béri, B. E., & Dalley, P. (2021, March 23). Am I a Racist? Becoming an ally or activist against racism. University of Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T. (2021, March 23). Treating Racial Trauma. Behavioral Wellness Clinic, Tolland, CT.
Williams, M. T. (2021, March 8). Understanding Trauma in the Context of Discrimination. Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Williams, M. T. (2021, March 4). Racial Trauma: Research and Disparities. Clinical Psychology Colloquium, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, MA.
Williams, M. T. (2021, March 2). Psychedelic Therapies, Research, and Training. Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa, ON.
Williams, M. T., Fields, D., Robinson, E. & Patton, L.D. (2021, February 27). Black Solidarity: The Emotionally Healing Power of Dedicated Black Spaces. Black Health Matters Conference at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.
Williams, M. T. (2021, February 22). Racial Stress and Trauma. Princeton Grand Rounds. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
Williams, M. T. (2021, February 18). Addressing Cultural and Racial Factors and Perspectives in Research and Clinical Practice. School of Psychology Colloquium. University of Ottawa.
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. T. (2021, February 17). PTSD and Racial Trauma. Consultation Program, National Center for PTSD, US Department of Veteran Affairs.
Williams, M. T. (2021, February 10). Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapies: A New Frontier in Mental Health. NCR Chapter, Canadian Counselling Association.
Williams, M. T. (2021, February 1). Microaggressions: Research, Controversy, & Action. University of Maryland Department of Psychology, Diversity Speaker Series, College Park, MD.
Williams, M. T. (2021, January 29). Culturally Informed CBT. Discussion and lecture for the Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina.
Pirozek, J., Williams, M. T., & Dyck, E. (2021, January 20). Chacruna in Canada: What Does Reciprocity Look Like in the North? Community Forum Series. Chacruna Institute.
Williams, M. T. (2021, January 19). Racial Trauma and New Directions in Healing. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NY.
Williams, M. T. (2021, January 14). Microaggressions in Clinical Care. Workshop. University of Toronto, ON.
Schedule for 2020
Invited Presentations and Workshops
Williams, M. T. and colleagues (2020, December 18). Cultural Competence in Psychotherapy. Panel presentation for the Psychology Graduate Student Anti-Racism Initiative (GSARI), Ryerson University.
Williams, M. T., Dyck, E., & Walsh, Z. (2020, December 15). Psychedelics in the Education System: Bringing the Truth to Light. Panel presentation webinar. MAPS Canada. (Cancelled)
Williams, M. T. (2020, December 9). Racial Microaggressions. University of Georgia.
Williams, M. T. (2020, December 8). Culturally-Informed CBT. Canadian Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Williams, M. T. & Wetterneck, C. T. (2020, December 4). Understanding and Addressing Racial Trauma. Canvas Health Workshop, Minneapolis, MN. (6 CEs)
Williams, M. T. (2020, December 3). Being the Change: Embracing Antiracism in Psychotherapy. PESI / Psychotherapy Networker.
Williams, M. T. & Clarke, W. (2020, November 28). Racism and racist societal structures. Internalized Racism in the Afro-Caribbean-Black (ACB) community: Impact on Mental Health. Ottawa River Psychology. Online presentation.
Williams, M. T. (2020, November 17). Racial Trauma in Defense and Litigation: How Racism can Cause Psychological Injury. Canadian Association of Black Lawyers (CABL), Ottawa Chapter.
Kaysen, D., Belcourt, A., Williams, M., Marques, L., & Nickerson, A. (2020, November 14). Cultural Adaptations of Evidence Based Treatments for PTSD. Invited Panel for International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.
Williams, M. & Liew, J. C. Y. (2020, November 5). Health Equity, Race, and Covid-19. Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics expert seminar series. University of Ottawa.
Williams, M. T. (2020, October 14-16). Psychedelics for Racial Trauma. 2020: Vision and Visionaries, Psychedelic Psychotherapy Forum, Victoria, BC.
Williams, M. T. & Skinta, M. (2020, October 9). Microaggressions in Clinical Settings: Learning to Engage Diverse Clients and Improve Treatment Outcomes. Leading Edge Seminars (3 CEs).
Williams, M. T. (2020, October 2). Cultural Competence and Treatment for People of Color with OCD. McLean OCD Institute, Houston, TX.
Labate, B., Belser, A., Williams, M. T., & Buchanan, N. (2020, September 25). Diversity, Equity and Access in Psychedelic Medicine. Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research 2020.
Williams, M. T. (2020, September 21). If your clients are not talking about racism – What are you doing wrong? University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Williams, M. T. (2020, August 26). Racism in the Schools and Universities: Consequences and Solutions. Keynote presentation for School of Psychology V-TRaC Lab, University of Ottawa, ON.
Yip, J., Williams, M. T., & Andrews, V. (2020, July 22). Racism and OCD. Online Town Hall Meeting. International OCD Foundation.
Williams, M. T. (2020, July 22). Racial Trauma and Psychedelic Therapy. The Maudsley Psychedelic Society, King's College, London, UK.
James, Y., Timothy, R. K., Prescod, C., Green, B. & Williams, M. (2020, June 20). COVID-19 & Systemic Racism in Canada. The Recovery Project Livestream. The Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy.
Williams, M. T. & Okanlami, F. (2020, June 17). Race and Structural Violence. Mandatory Seminar for M1 and M3 classes. Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, Hanover, NH. Online presentation.
Williams, M. T. (2020, June 17). Psychedelics, Inclusion, and Racial Trauma. Yale Psychedelic Science Group, New Haven, CT. Online presentation.
Williams, M. T. (2020, May, 29-31). Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy and Access: Who Will be Included. Catalyst Calgary Psychedelic Research Conference, Calgary, AL.
Williams, M. T. (2020, April 25). Psychedelic Psychotherapy is Coming: Who Will be Included? Psychedelic Liberty Summit. Chacruna Institute, San Francisco, CA.
Labate, B. & Williams, M. T. (2020, February 19). Diversity, Equity, and Access in Psychedelic Medicine. Community Meeting Series. Chacruna Institute, San Francisco, CA.
Williams, M. T. (2020, February 17). Racial Trauma. Department of Canadian Heritage, Western Region, Vancouver, BC. (online)
Williams, M. T. (2020, January 29). Microaggressions: Impact, Prevention, and Racial Trauma in Clinical Care. Yale New Haven Psychiatric Hospital, New Haven, CT.