Racial Trauma

Providing expert and compassionate care.

It's traumatic.
Racism is everywhere.

Racial trauma is the cumulative effect of racism on mental health. It can include anxiety, depression, despair, and even physical health problems.

Schedule Clinical Consultation

Take the test.
Racial trauma screener.

Take this free online scientifically-validated self-test.

Racial Trauma Test

Free treatment.
Racial trauma study.

Culturally-informed solutions backed by science.

Learn More

Racial Trauma Resources by Dr. Monnica Williams

book - Racial Trauma

Healing Racial Trauma

A 12-Session Protocol. Now available for pre-order!

PESI video

Racial Trauma

Assessment and Treatment Techniques for Trauma Rooted in Racism


Racial Trauma Treatment

Guided Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Protocol


Managing Microaggressions

Addressing Everyday Racism in Therapeutic Spaces

More Information

Research Area

Racial trauma academic resources for researchers and students.


Why many African Americans avoid therapy.


Research Studies

Visit the Laboratory for Culture and Mental Health Disparities.